The baths of Caracalla

Map showing the The baths of Caracalla in Rome

The baths of Caracalla is one one the most well known bathhouses in Rome. It was the second largest of the public baths in Rome. Although most parts of the huge buildings have collapsed, it is still worth visiting if you want to get a sense of how it cold have been visiting them in the ancient Rome. It is impressive.

The baths of Caracalla (or Terme di Caracalla in italian) was built between sometimes 211-217 AD by the Roman emperor called Caralla (his real name was Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Augustus).

The baths was used until the 6th century when the it was partly destroyed in the Gothic war. The bathouse was large 412 x 393 metres and aprox. 45 metres high. The bath consisted of many differents sections and rooms with different kind of bathrooms from cold ones to really hot ones. Beside bathing you could also parctise boxing or wrestling. There was also two librarys (one for greek, and one for latin language), different kind of smaller shops also places to sit down and relax ro discuss.

Rome map with the baths of Caracalla:


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